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After-care Instructions

After-care Instructions for maximum result:

  • Within 2-4 hours after the procedure, clean brows using a q-tip and lightly moisten with distilled or cooled downed boiling water. Gently wipe away the old healing ointment and any lymphatic liquid (clear yellowish liquid) that may have built up. Lightly pat dry with tissue and using a new q-tip, re-apply healing balm to the brows. After this NO WATER should touch the brows for 6-7 days, this includes: no swimming, tanning, saunas, gym workouts, or heavy sweating. When showering, please avoid face area, and when cleaning or washing face, avoid brows and clean around it.
  • Make sure to apply a light layer of healing ointment morning and night to brows for 6 days, do not over apply healing ointment
  • DO NOT put any powder or brow makeup on brow area for a minimum of 7 days. Microbladed area is an open wound, using makeup may cause infections.
  • Avoid alcohol and aspirin/ibuprofen and any vitamins that may thin your blood for 24 hours.    
  • Brow area will feel slightly itchy as it heals and will start to lightly scab over. DO NOT peel or pick at the scabs as this can affect the outcome and pigmentation. 
  • No face scrubs or chemical peels at least 2 weeks after. 
  • A touch-up/follow-up appointment is required in 4-6 weeks after initial procedure to perfect shape and color that has faded.

Client will lose 30% of color intensity after the brow starts to heal. Please DO NOT be alarmed and allow your brows to properly heal.

**Feel free to contact the microblading technician if you are having any issues with your brows**