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FaithFULL Brows currently offers two classes: Microblading or Microblading + Microshading

These classes are only held on the weekends, and provide 1-on-1 training. Both classes you will learn about the proper techniques of Microblading and Microshading, bloodborne pathogens, cleanliness, customer service, and more. Please read the flyers below for class details.

Booking a class: The prices for the class are on the flyers below. Please go to the “book appointment” page to select a weekend you would like to take the class. Be mindful that as you are booking your class please allow at least 2 weeks for your class to ensure that the supplies for your kit have come in a timely manner. The remaining payment for class will be due at the beginning of class.

Microblading Class: 1-day, 8 hour class

  • you will learn 3 different microblading techniques

  • bring a live model with you

  • you will receive a certification at the end of class


Microblading + Microshading Class: 2-day class

  • you will learn 6 different microblading and shading techniques

  • bring a live model with you

  • you will receive a certification at the end of class
