Contact Us

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Schedule an Appointment

Booking your appointment requires a 25% deposit of your service choice. You will not be charged if you cancel at least 24 hours before your appointment starts. Otherwise, you will be charged $30 if you reschedule less than 24hrs of your appt.  

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Occasionally FaithFULL Brows will run promotions where the price includes the 4-6 week follow-up. If you DO NOT come within the 4-6 week timeframe the promotion is NO longer valid and you will be charged a touch-up price. NO EXCEPTIONS.

It is VERY important that you follow the pre-care and aftercare instructions for optimal results. Please remember that during the healing process as eyebrows peel, imperfections do occur and can and will be corrected during the 4-6 week follow-up. As a microblading technician I hold myself to a high standard and strive to provide excellent service with every customer. Refunds are not given.