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 My Instagram page @Faithfull_brows was hacked on Friday, November 12, 2021. The hacker gained access to my page and changed my name to @Faithfull_brows6. I hope that everyone will report this page and no one will fall victim of the Bitcoin scam that is displayed on the @faithfull_brows6 Instagram page, or any other Instagram page being used. Although they hacked my page I did not give the hackers any money nor did I receive any monetary benefit through Bitcoin.

I have sent email to Instagram and Facebook to try to get this matter settled but I have not heard back as of yet. I’m hoping to get this resolved as soon as possible but as of now I don’t have a timeline of when this could be fixed.

My new Instagram page @Faithfullbrows_beauty

I apologize in advance if this scam has hurt anyone or inconvenienced any of my followers. Please continue to report this page and contact me through email or phone number, and spread the message to anyone you know.

Rhema Faith
